the latest news & page updates
Deen is back in the house! - July 23rd, 2000
Well, finally! New page, new domain - the whole stuff is placed on server of Link.
I spent these 4 weeks, except new design, on creating new stuff. They are listed below.
I didn't close my page, as some of you thought. People who subscribed the newsletter
were informed about news, including links to new stuff. In general, it didn't take too
much time to create the page - if you notice that I had to create over 450 pages, in two languages.
And I've done everything by myself...
And if I promised to place a link to your page, then please mail me and send
your address...
New stuff at scooter.pl - July 23rd, 2000
Here's a short list:
- contest - your task is not difficult, and you can win Scooter's autographs
- fan remixes - lots of new tracks, including 2 megamixes in MP3 format - both over 10 minutes long!
- trade - new section, where you can place your own announcement and read the other ones
- live MP3s - of course these are not dead links, all tracks are ready to download
- videos - fragments of show in Toruń, and promised 4 versions of 'Faster Harder Scooter'
- cover versions - with information about original artists, sound samples and pictures
- wallpapers - the best old pics and some cool new ones
SHEFFIELD TOUR 2000 - July 23rd, 2000
Something really extra! Vote for the track from 'Sheffield' that you would like to
hear during the forthcoming tour. The winning track will be performed by Scooter live
on stage! More information available here.
'She's The Sun' will be the next single - July 23rd, 2000
Single release will contain a video to this song, and one extra bonus track.
The bonus one will be a club track. Its title is yet unknown.
As usual, single release will be different than album version.
take a part and... become one of the winners! if you
are interested - go in here.
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